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99种方式改进您的报纸(中) 来自newsdesign.net

发表于 2011-3-15 13:49:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 罗西吧 于 2011-3-15 14:02 编辑

26. LONG BORING STORIES SHOULD NOT BE RELEGATED TO THE EDITORIAL OR OP ED PAGES. Items on the editorial pages should be as interesting and as relevant as every other story on every other page of the newspaper.
26. 冗长报道不可出现在评论或特约稿件板块

27. EDITORIAL WRITERS SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED TO WRITE CLEARLY. Avoid pious waffle. Get to the point q u i ckl y, make it forcibly and then get out. Use a larger point size than the normal body text to add e m p h a s i s .

28. COLUMNISTS ON THE EDITORIAL PAGE SHOULD BE WORTH THEIR SPACE.A local columnist with something worthwhile to say is always better than a national columnist waffling about crime on Denver streets Ñ unless, of course, you live in Denver.
28. 评论板块需刊登地方专栏作家报道内容

29. EDITORIAL CARTOONS SHOULD BE WELL DRAWN AND RELEVANT. Wit, subtlety and irony are usually better than viciousness. Un l e ss the subject is a crooked politician.
29. 评论板块漫画家需善于绘出确切主题的漫画

30. DEVELOP A GOOD DAILY LETTERS PAGE. Get ordinary people to write. Encourage readers to write about a variety of subjects. Make it a must-read page.
30. 开创一栏公开信

31. EDIT LETTERS TO THEIR NATURAL LENGTH in the same way as you (ought to) edit your stories.
Because someone took the trouble to write 30 inches of meandering drivel doesnÕt mean you are obligated to print every droning word. Edit to the nub of the lett e r. Show the edited letter to the writer or read it to him or her before publica t i o n .

32. DONÕT PRINT EVERY LETTER YOU GET. Use the best ones, save the
average ones for the big letters day of the week and consign the rest to the waste bin. Th a tÕs called editing.
32. 没必要刊登你收到的每一封来信。挑出其中最好的一封来信刊登。

33. ENCOURAGE READERS TO RESPOND TO LETTERS. But don’t let a debate dragon beyond its natural life span.
33. 鼓励读者对刊登出来的信给予回应

34. USE LETTERS IN OTHER AREAS OF THE PAPER. L i ke the sports or features sections.Get readers to respond to stuff that appears in the news paper ev e ry day. If you run an interesting, provocative feature, solicit your customers’ responses. Pay $5 Ñ or more Ñ for the best lett e r ( s ) .
34. 在报纸其他地方使用刊登读者来信方式,鼓励读者的参与。

35. MAKE THE PAGE LOOK INTERESTING. Use pictures, graphics, headlines and text in as compelling away as possible.
35. 让版面看上去更加有意思

36. MAKE THE PAGE FLOW. The English language is read from top to bo ttom and from left to right.Al ways. DonÕt design pages that break that logic.
36. 让阅读更为流畅

37. THE NAMEPLATE SHOULD BE CLEAR AND DISTINCTIVE, NEAT AND TIDY. It is your trademark. Be proud of it. DonÕt change it without good reason.
37. 您的报纸标识(报纸VI)应明确,独特,整洁明了。

38. USE BIG PHOTOS TO ATTRACT INTEREST. USE SMALL ONES FOR DETAIL. And donÕt be afraid to use big photos on inside pages as well as on section fronts. Pages full of gray text look boring and are hard to read.Re a d e rs prefer brighter, less daunting pa g e s .
38. 通过使用大照片吸引读者兴趣,使用小照片来展示细节

39. BE CAREFUL HOW YOU USE MUG SHOTS. Don’t scatter small pictures
around the page to liven up a dull page. If the page looks bo r i n g, little pictures wo nÕt help. Do it aga i n .
39. 慎重使用小照片

r e a d e rs know which are the main stories on the page and which are subsidiary. Big stories should look BIG!
40. 通过使用占版面篇幅和比例引导读者区分头条和二头条

41. DITTO WITH STORY LENGTHS. Common sense suggests that a
s t o ry at the top of the front page should be longer than subsidiary items. A page full of nine-inch stories may be easy to produce, but it will be more boring than one containing stories of different lengths.
41. 同上 报道内容长短

42. USE DYNAMIC LAYOUT PATTERNS that include contrasting vertical and horizontal elements to grab and hold the readerÕs att e n t i o n .
42. 使用动态排版样式

43. MAKE SPACING CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT THE NEWSPAPER. We l l - disciplined use of white space in and around heads, between columns, inside
boxes and beneath page headers will make the news paper look more professional. An d, more important, it will make it easier to read.
43. 整个报纸注重对留白的运用

44. USE DISTINCTIVE STANDING HEADS for regular features and columns.
44. 为特别报道和专栏设计独特的首页

45. TAKE AS MUCH CARE OF INSIDE PAGES AS YOU DO OF THE FRONT PAGE. Edit well, write good headlines, use pictures and graphics creatively.
45. 重视内页设计
46. AVOID JUMPING STORIES FROM THE FRONT PAGE. Running lots and lots of stories on the front and jumping them inside may be result in an exciting pa g e, but it will play havoc with the inside pages. (The same is true for section fronts.) Editing stories tightly is always a better option.
46. 避免从头版跳读新闻报道

47. USE SKYBOXES TO ATTRACT READERS to interesting stories inside the news pa p e r.
47. 通过导读引导读者阅读内页有趣的专题报道

48. DONÕT USE SKYBOXES if you habitually bill stories that areÕnt worth reading.

49. USE STRONG SIGNALS ON SECTION FRONTS. If a section contains other types of stories than those indicated by the title on the front pa g e, bill them strongly and clearly so the reader knows they are there. A news paper shouldnÕt be like amaze.
49. 在不同专栏头版使用明显视觉标识

50. USE COLUMNS OF BRIEFS AS AN IMPORTANT PAGE ELEMENT. Short stories demand less of readers than long ones and entice them into to the rest of the page.
50. 使用简单栏作为版面重要元素

来自newsdesign.net   翻译:罗西吧(有误之处请多提出)

发表于 2011-4-11 13:45:46 | 显示全部楼层

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